Suggested Sites
Let's face it, there is a lot of confusing information out there on the web! How are parents to know what is best for their child when everyone seems to have a differing opinion?
On this page we will have links to websites, articles, and associations that will provide reliable patient information.
Medical Websites for Questions About Your Child's Health
Mental Health Resources
Reliable and Accurate Information About Vaccines
Only 25 years ago, the only unimmunized people were poor or had limited access to healthcare. This problem was solved with a strong immunization program which overcame the cost barrier to immunization. However, we are now seeing a different trend, with communities or pockets of unimmunized or underimmunized children that are more closely linked to voluntary exemption from immunization, either due to religious or personal beliefs.
Pediatricians are concerned that those unimmunized communities may be growing due to misinformation. Irresponsible media outlets, public fear, and unreliable internet sites have hindered our efforts to separate truth from fiction. We think it's very important for parents to have good information to make decisions, to discuss with their doctor the risks and benefits of vaccines, and understand the very real and ongoing risk of vaccine-preventable diseases that are still in our community.
Below are reliable websites that can help answer your questions about vaccine effectiveness and safety
Voices for Vaccines (VFV) is a parent-driven organization supported by scientists, doctors, and public health officials that provides parents clear, science-based information about vaccines and vaccine-preventable disease, as well as an opportunity to join the national discussion about the importance of on-time vaccination
Childhood Obesity and Nutrition Resources
With more than 20 million U.S. children overweight, pediatricians are the at the forefront of the fight to help kids lose weight and live healthy lifestyles. This means making better food choices and playing at least 60 minutes a day for every child.
Below are links for child-friendly "prescriptions" for healthy, active living and nutrition.
KIDS IN PARKS - The Kids in Parks program has established a network of trails designed to provide kids and families with fun outdoor activities. Through their TRACK Rx program, our providers are promoting this program and formally prescribing our patients to get active outdoors and reconnected to nature through this exciting program. For more information about the program, click this link.
Health Insurance, Prescription Discounts, and Community Resources
Free or Reduced Price Health Insurance for Children
North Carolina Medicaid Services - Medicaid is a government health benefit program that helps provide for your children if you have low incomes and limited financial resources. It is a means-tested entitlement program, and offers robust benefits for children that the Amercan Academy of Pediatrics calls the "gold standard" that includes some services that even private insurance or the health exchanges do not cover.
The Harrelson Center - This North Carolina nonprofit corporation supports and partners with other nonprofit organizations in the Wilmington community. The Center works with its partners to meet the needs of the community in areas such as safe and affordable housing, education, employment, health care, and family support. They can also help with financial assistance for housing, utilities, medications, or other essential bills.